Then, once our devices are finally out of use, their end of life is organized. from our devices. Only 5% of smartphones are recycled in France, and more than 100 million devices are forgotten in our drawers. Collection mechanisms must therefore be multiplied and promoted.
Philips, in partnership with TerraCycle, for example, supervises the recycling of dental products. are other citizen initiatives to revalue old objects and launch their 2nd life.
And in fact, turning to second-hand or reconditioned products is also a greece phone number library sustainable alternative. For example, for a smartphone, choosing a reconditioned model reduces its environmental impact by 2 to 4 times compared to buying a new model.
The success story of Back Market, valued at 5.2 billion euros, is a great example of a sustainable and economically feasible initiative. Another example is Emmaüs Connect, which recovers and reconditions digital equipment to make it available to the most deprived at a reduced price.
Create simpler digital products
The last way to infuse the digital sector with low-tech thinking is to reduce our impact on the network . The average weight of a page has quadrupled in 8 years : eco-design mechanisms can reduce this impact. This can be achieved by an informed choice of CMS , for a content management. System adapted to the challenges of the site. Reasoning the quantities and sizes of photos, videos. Extensions, plugins can also help to simplify a site, and reduce its environmental impact. Depending on the needs and objective of a site or application, other suitable solutions can be considered.
Resource Centers and Recycling Centers
Thus, by combining strong sustainability and civic involvement, the low-tech approach makes sense to support the ecological transition. Various levers can be use to take these issues into consideration, with a degree of involvement. That can be modulat according to the challenges of a company. And there are players in different sectors to support and accompany Use Data Insights to Optimize Your Email Campaigns these initiatives. Representing 13.4% of retail sales in France in 2021, e-commerce contact lists is establishing itself as a strategic. Distribution channel for brands. Some of them, among the most mature in their industries. Are choosing to invest in a collaboration strategy with their distributors.