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Digital culture: what are its characteristics and influences on society?

The advancement of technology has achieved global development in different aspects and everyone is

talking about it.

Precisely, it has changed our way of seeing life, giving rise to a new type of culture, called Digital


Digital transformation has radically changed different aspects of societies, whether educational,

financial, organizational, among others.

For this reason, there is a need to explain in this article what digital culture is, its importance and the

most relevant elements that make it up. Let’s continue!

What is Digital Culture?

Digital Culture is all the changes that thailand telegram data are being generated by technology and

the Internet, which, in just a few years, has transformed the world and the way we interact in it.

In a society that remains in constant growth and transformation, Digital Culture emerges with new

social practices that reconfigure most aspects of our lives.

Could we interact with the other side of the world as quickly as we can now 100 years ago? Of course

not, we would have been laughed at if we had even thought about it.

Everything is done through electronic means , which provide us with infinite new opportunities and

challenges that have given us different benefits, whether educational, economic, social, among others.

However, the concept of digital culture would not have emerged without the creation of ICTs

(Information and Communication Technologies).

Inherent aspects of Digital Culture

Digital Culture has certain aspects that, developing simple and repairable products without them, could not be maintained over time and in constant transformation:

world Wide Web

The World Wide Web (WWW) is the systematic way in which different types of documents, images, hypertexts , among others, are distributed, whether or not they use the Internet.

That is, it is a service that is based on hyperlinks and pages to navigate between them, they can be:

  • web pages;
  • browsers;
  • links and URLs;
  • HTML.

But how is it that “you may or may not use the Internet”?

If the WWW is responsible for navigation between pages, this does not necessarily have to be done through the use of the Internet. They can be on a pendrive and viewed in a browser without the need to use it, that is, the information can be stored on a local medium.


The Internet is the infrastructure review b through which data travels throughout the world , that is, it is what interconnects computers in a single global network.

It has various elements, such as connections, routers, radio signals, WIFI, satellites, among others.

Let’s understand something, the World Wide Web is not the same as the Internet , I’ll give you a metaphorical example:

If the water service in a city were technology in general, the Internet would be the pipes and the Web would be the water that passes through the pipes.

The Internet is used by different services such as WhatsApp, Messenger, online games, search engines , Facebook, the web, among others.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are all those tools, knowledge and practices that make information flow from anywhere in the world. They were created with the emergence of the Internet.

This is how technological innovations have created a more informed society . It is clear that 70 years ago, news took months to reach different countries and today it takes just a few seconds. I will name some that you surely know:

  • digital whiteboards;
  • tablets;
  • interactive tables;
  • computers;
  • e-commerce ;
  • email;
  • information search ;

ICTs are instruments for processing information, administrative management, marketing and advertising new products and services, running at high speeds and crossing borders.

Social networks

Social networks , as their name indicates, are a social structure that facilitates interaction and exchange of information between individuals through the use of the Internet around the world.

Today there are countless types of social networks that have facilitated the process of social globalization , among the most important are.

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