Although companies are waiting to see how the metaverse concept evolves before investing time and money. Facebook has already bet heavily on building a metaverse that will transport users into the depths of the internet.
With its new name “Meta” , Facebook seems to want to get ahead and gain market positions. Its new brand (Meta) is closely linked to the concept of the metaverse with the angola latest email list aim of monopolizing the beginnings of the metaverse .
Facebook has invested huge resources in cell phone database projects dedicated to developing virtual reality solutions, infrastructure and products. As of 2021, it has spent a whopping $10 billion on these projects. In addition, it has already registered patents related to virtual stores where people can buy branded virtual products; advanced facial recognition technology and identification of users’ emotions; and magnetic sensor systems for recognizing postures and body language.
How does the Metaverse affect Marketing? Facebook Metaverse
Some of the criticisms of Meta are motivated improving wordpress speed is a decisive factor for success by Facebook’s vision of its metaverse. Since the goal is to simulate people in their entirety (skin, body movements, hair color, etc.), they do not see these 3D replicas of people, places and things as appropriate. They consider that they can trigger negative effects such as the inability to distinguish reality from the virtual. They add that this digital hyperreality is the first step towards cloning people.
Facebook isn’t the only company betting on the Metaverse. Microsoft has acquired gaming company Activision Blizzard as a first step toward developing the building blocks of the metaverse. Apple is also investing based on what they estimate the potential of the metaverse to be in the near future.
Just as the widespread use of mobile phones
The changes and reinventions that digital marketing focused on smartphone users underwent, the metaverse will bring about changes in the playing field. Marketing in the metaverse will surely undergo major changes and become more immersive.
But for now, the metaverse is a totally new concept in the marketing field.
Advertisements, content, sales and delivery of products and services, etc. in the metaverse are still to be defined. However, virtual reality marketing is focused on providing real-time information to potential customers, and even offering the possibility of interacting with the product as if doing so in a physical space.
Marketing professionals must therefore be very attentive to how the metaverse relates to brands and products, and above all.
Learn how the technology works and the possibilities it offers to attract customers Facebook Metaverse
Fortunately, a fully functioning metaverse, where people and social groups live and interact in a virtual world parallel to the real world, is far from being realized. We may be decades away from that point. First, we need a comprehensive advancement in technology , changes in human behavior, and changes in the laws that regulate our societies. Facebook has said that the Metaverse of its Meta brand could take more than 10 years to build.
As we can see, it seems that we should not worry about including the metaverse in our company’s next digital marketing business plan for the moment.
Even though the metaverse doesn’t exist yet Facebook Metaverse
some brands have started advertising campaigns using virtual reality technology that is essential for the metaverse of the future.
Some of these brands that have so far used technologies involved in the metaverse and that can be an example of what marketing would be like in the metaverse are:
- Gucci launched a collection of virtual shoes that users’ avatars could wear in virtual reality applications. The price of the sneakers was around €12.
- Pokemon created a virtual city offering the experience of seeing how to buy exclusive virtual products within a metaverse.