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SEO editors and content teams in general

Content marketing and SEO: what would they be without each other? As we know them, nothing. One provides valuable information for the user, the other ensures the visibility of that information.

They need each other to exist and prosper

So much so that every piece of content you publish — at least if you intend to generate organic traffic with it — must be carefully planned and optimized from this point of view. Starting with keywords.

Because need them in their daily work and knowing how to do good keyword research is part of the process of creating content with potential.

In the end, whether or not you have a specialist on your team, it’s most practical for whoever is in charge of content marketing to have a solid understanding of the basics of SEO.

And this is where SEMrush comes into play, one of our best allies for creating top SEO content .

In this guide we tell you how to use SEMrush to analyze keywords, showing whatsapp data you the most practical reports of this tool for a profile not specialized in SEO:

  • Overview Report
  • Keyword magic tool
  • Keyword Manager
  • Competitor Keyword Reports

Note : There are other keyword tools that work great. But in this guide we are talking about Semrush because it gives us good results and we know it well.

How to research SEO keywords

From the main menu, expand the Keyword Analysis submenu .

There you will see 5 different tools: Overview, Keyword Magic Tool, Keyword Manager, Ad History and Keyword Difficulty .


The tools that will best help you create SEO content are the first 3 aesthetics and design standards and now you will see why.

Overview Report

Enter 1 to 100 keywords and it shows you basic information teams in general at a glance to make an initial assessment.

If you enter only one keyword , you will see this data:

  • Keyword search volumes (shows global volume, volume review b in major markets, and volume in the selected local ranking)
  • Keyword Difficulty
  • Search trends in recent months
  • Number of results in SERPs (Search Engine Results Page)
  • Main variations of the keyword
  • Keywords and related questions
  • Top search results for that keyword

Let’s say you enter the keyword “ Keyword Tool” (very appropriate for this guide). This is what you would see.

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