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Blog, news section

The image of a manager is form , by how his environment treats him: employees, partners, senior management. The peculiarity of a high position is that it is not always possible to find out the truth about yourself. However, this does not mean that you ne , to force subordinates to report gossip and rumors. An experienc , manager is able to understand how well other team members are dispos , towards him. Openness, the ability to conduct a dialogue and understand the ne ,s of the people entrust , to him are important here.

HADI cycles: what are they, why are they ne , , and how to use them


The article explains:

  1. The concept of HADI cycles
  2. Who can benefit accurate cleaned numbers list from frist database from using HADI cycles?
  3. Application of HADI cycles for small, m ,ium and large businesses
  4. Structure of the HADI cycle
  5. Principles of using the HADI cycle
  6. Hypothesis generation rules for use in the HADI cycle
  7. Example of using HADI cycle
  8. Time for HADI cycle
  9. The nuances of finding the right hypotheses for HADI cycles
  10. Alternatives to the HADI cycle

  11. Revlution in online neighboring rights of the press sales: our methodology that increas , sales 10 times on 72 projects in 7 months + cases
    Download for free

HADI cycles are an Agile tool

(mostly for marketing), but have recently come into use in business in general. The essence of this action is testing hypotheses to select the most promising ones.


Thus, the HADI cycle allows search engine optimization mails for more effective changes in the company’s work, including marketing. At the same time, it is necessary to correctly select the hypotheses themselves so that this tool is truly effective. In this article, we will tell you how the HADI cycle works, who should use it first and what alternatives exist.

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