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Advice to those who want to start

“Empire of Personnel” today operates throughout Russia, has an excellent referral list of clients, and you can learn more about it on the official website.

Abusiness from scratch: start! Somay, write your story in a magazine too.


Over the past 10 years, the US has seen rising prices

Dr residential property, and this process is not stopping. The so-call Case-Shiller index helps assess the level of prices for American housing (for detach houses design for one family). The analysis is conduct quarterly for the 20 largest US cities. In the first half of 2021, this figure show a record 19.7%.


Rents in the US are also whatsapp number list rising. According to the US Census Bureau, the average asking rent in the US increas by 18.9% in the second quarter of 2021 (compar to the second quarter of 2020), reaching $1,228 per month. An absolute record in the history of the American real estate market!

Investment security

It is important to know that the real estate industry in the Unit States is govern by a multitude of regulations that protect sellers and buyers. Real estate professionals must be licens, have a special ucation, and meet a list of requirements, otherwise losing a license is equivalent to losing a job.

The Unit States of America is one of the safest

Most stable countries who want in the world for real estate investment. The Department of Real Estates (Department of Real Estate) at the state level ensures the protection of public interests, control, and security of all investments and transactions. The department is also responsible for licensing and regulating the activities of real estate professionals.

According to the US Census using data for decision-making Bureau, the average asking rent in the US increas by 18.9% in adb directory the second quarter of 2021 (compar to the second quarter of 2020), reaching $1,228 per month.

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