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Beyond narcissism, the object of gaze


In The Culture of Narcissism . Christopher Lasch points out a fundamental shift that he believes is at the root of what he calls . The development of the narcissistic personality of our time. The decline of Protestant virtues based on the work ethic Beyond narcissism .

” Inflation is eat away at savs and investments, advertis denies the horror of be in debt and exhorts consumers to buy now and pay later.

We still live today under a regime of indebtedness, a direct consequence of the collapse of confidence in the value of savs and, ultimately, of the semblance that money represents as an exchange value. Faced with this anxiety about the future.

He seeks less to Beyond narcissism  enrich himself

although this requires increasly higher incomes. In the past, the self-made man prided himself on his ability to assess the character and integrity of others; today he scrutinizes faces, not to assess the value of the individual,

but to guess whether the mobile database  latter will be taken in by his cajol.” He practices the classic art of seduction and.

From this observation he will go on to describe the characteristics of what he calls “the narcissistic personality of our time”: a “grandiose ego”, depreciated. Insubstantial images of oneself, others, and potential persecutors, a profound feel of emptiness and inauthenticity.

an absence of what does the gdpr mean specifically for bloggers, website operators and affiliates  any real  intellectual engagement in the world, an inordinate appreciation of one’s own intellectual talents, fear, emotional dependence, and dependence on the image that others reflect back to oneself.

Some of Lasch’s observations are very

evocative for us, readers of Lacan, for example “the decline of paternal authority and the decline of the superego”, or what he will call “the rise

The narcissistic personality that Lasch addresses in his work is already located in the register where the ego functions as an instance malaysia numbers list  allow the three registers symbolic, Imaginary and real to be tied together in the face of the decline of the name of the Father and the symbolic order in the social. With the distinction that the ego includes more the function of enunciation of the speak be while narcissism refers rather to the image of the subject.

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