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Blog on the website as an effective

Broad semantics (and relevance to a huge number of requests), a large number of transitions from social networks and other platforms (respectively, a rich palette of external links) lead to a natural growth in the ranking of sites in search engines. This is already enough to evaluate the blog as one of the most successful Internet marketing tools. But at the same time, the blog is also an excellent image technology, allowing businesses and clients to communicate in real time. The audience appreciates the openness and accessibility of companies, rewarding them with their loyalty.

And if at one time the business was openly embarrassed by the word “blog”, now a solution has been found: this section is given a more official name and the blog under the heading “Our publications” continues to actively operate on the corporate website.


Source: shutterstock.com

But whatever you call it, the essence remains the same: the company posts content on the blog that the target audience finds not only interesting, but also very useful. Respect for a business that, instead of aggressive advertising, gives potential customers the opportunity to get interesting information is growing. And when the user croatia phone number resource decides to buy, he is absolutely sure that he made this decision independently. And the site simply provided him with the necessary information.

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This is a vivid example of generating information traffic into commercial traffic. And any resource can carry out such generation in practice – our recommendations will help:

      1. The blog’s objectives must be clearly defined. It exists not simply as part of an Internet resource, but how to improve lead generation in your online marketing campaigns as an independent tool that allows generating leads: attracting the user, creating a need in him and passing it on to the commercial department, where the deal is made.
      2. The audience needs to be studied thoroughly. Who are they, the blog readers, where do they learn about its existence, what do they like about the blog, and what is not entirely clear – answers to all these questions must be found. They will become the basis for strategic planning of the blog development and its content.
      3. The strategy should be presented visually – in the editorial calendar. Everyone whose work concerns the blog should understand what they are doing and why: this topic is especially interesting text services to readers, so updates should be daily, the photos should be emotional: by September 1 we will publish a thematic review, etc. The Content Marketing Institute confirmed the importance of strategic content planning with the example of successful marketers, 66% of whom formulate plans on paper.
    •  Without investments, a good blog will not work.

      1. Attract different specialists, the more of them there are, the better the content will be and the more convenient the resource will be.
      2. Don’t advertise the company’s products openly, but subtly mention in articles how wonderful it is to have what the company offers (followed by a link to the corporate resource page, where the named product is described in detail).
      3. Use social media to announce content updates. And of course, add a share button to your blog to encourage readers to share your posts.
      4. RSS feeds and email newsletters should be part of your blog’s arsenal to retain your audience.
      5. Monitor the effectiveness of your blog using, for example, the ideal Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica and Liveinternet.ru.


If a blog contains quality content that can interest users, they will closely follow the resource updates and become loyal readers.

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Many companies successfully use this for their own purposes, skillfully forming a need in the client and imperceptibly leading to a purchase. Thus, information traffic becomes commercial at significantly lower costs.

The main reasons for the loss of information traffic

Traffic is falling. Owners immediately ask themselves why this is happening, because everything has been done to improve the site, quality content is presented. What happened? In fact, many things could have been the reason.

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For example, the very changes that the resource owner regards as positive were not liked by users. Let’s look at the main reasons and give some advice on how to fix the situation.

    1. Structural transformations.

      Often, it is these “edits” that make users refuse to visit the resource. If the changes were not global, then specialists easily make a “rollback” and everything returns to normal.

      But it happens that the structure itself undergoes changes:

      • changing page URLs;
      • deleting or renaming individual pages and entire sections;
      • global change of URL generation template.

      This leads to serious consequences in the form of landing pages or entire segments falling out of the search. And if the site is not in the search results, then traffic will not go to it.

    2. Design changes.

      Minor design updates don’t hurt anyone, but when content is mercilessly hacked to suit the appearance, readers don’t stick around. They don’t come to look at the design flourishes (although the interface is important, of course), but to enjoy the content. But it’s the content that suffers first.

      Therefore, it is recommend to coordinate such changes with SEO specialists.


      Source: shutterstock.com

      If the redesign process is carri out correctly, traffic will not suffer.

    3. Slow loading pages.

      This is becoming a serious problem. Users are accustom to instant response from a mobile device, and if a site cannot provide fast work, the reader leaves it without waiting for the page to load. Loss of information traffic is an unpleasant phenomenon, but for online stores, slow website work also results in very real losses.

      Things got even more complicat in the summer of 2018, when page loading speed became another factor influencing search rankings.

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