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Build Humanized Brands Using 6 Culture Codes

Meta shares the six culture codes that help brands produce the type of relatable content that audiences love.

Following an internal creative study of Instagram Stories, Facebook parent company Meta discovered that ads featuring lo-fi content and utilizing the language of the platform performed better than polished studio ads in terms of ad recall and views.

Meta suggests that this culture change

may be driven by the type of content we overseas data create and share, which are mostly immediate, lo-fi, and in-the-moment snapshots of our lives. Brands are also compelled to share content faster and more often in order to keep up with the audience’s limited attention span.

Additionally, the social media culture has shifted, as more users are celebrating imperfect and real-life stories. This goes to show that people are tired of seeing polished ads that promote perfection.

According to Meta, “when brands understand prevailing culture codes, they communicate as peers, establishing relatability and trust through a shared language.” Here are the six culture codes that brands can harness to drive relevance:

  1. Have real people tell real stories

    – Brand experiences as told by this approach is unusual for residents employees and real-life customers are more relatable and credible.

  2. Utilize the language of the platform– By adopting and displaying recognized behavior across the platform (e.g., by utilizing popular transition effects and jumping on trends), brands can communicate with empathy and drive relatability.
  3. Harness the influence of creators–  Creators have a way of telling a story about a product or brand in a way that advertisers sometimes can’t. They also have the power to establish trust and relatability.
  4. Take the audience behind the scenes

    – By taking people behind the scenes b2c phone list and letting them be part of the process (e.g., through a “day in the life” story), brands humanize themselves.

  5. Use lo-fi editing techniques– Lo-fi production tools and techniques help brands portray a more handcrafted image rather than a perfectly curated look.
  6. Use humor to break down boundaries– Humor makes brands less rigid and gives audiences the notion that they’re accessible and relatable.
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