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Principle of Consensus or Social Proof

Imagine you want to collect the email addresses of users who visit your website. Leaving personal information like your email is no small thing and for this reason you must be the one to make the first gesture. Give away a free resource! free vouchers or discount codes! or the trial version of your product or service! something that gives real value to potential customers. In this way you will activate in them the feeling that pushes them to return the favor.

2. Principle of Coherence

Anyone who runs a business knows mobile number list it: it is much easier to increase profits by working on the loyalty of existing customers than by working to find new ones.

In this area! the rule of consistency plays a fundamental role! and it is also thanks to this that you can extend the customer’s life cycle .

People tend to want to be consistent with previously displayed behavior! how is this mechanism explained from a psychological point of view?

Because this makes us feel better in our own eyes but also in the eyes of others! that’s why when we make a commitment or give our word to someone else we tend to keep it! our personal credibility is at stake. So! the consumer who publicly commits to following the values ​​and ideals shown by your company! will continue to commit to following them. This! however! is only true if your brand also continues to be faithful to the values ​​shown.

So! customers who have already purchased from you will be more likely to make another purchase! but you must make sure to nurture them over time and make them increasingly loyal with lead nurturing strategies .

The decision made by the individual is evaluated on the basis of the ideas and advice provided by another person with whom he agrees.

I’ll give you an example right away.

When we don’t know what to do! we tend to look at what others are doing around us. The same thing goes when we don’t know what restaurant to choose or what clothes to buy.

What do you do to extricate yourself from these situations of indecision?

If you are online I am sure that you read reviews and comments to understand the evaluations that others have made of that product or service. The same is true in everyday life! ask the opinions of friends and relatives! both before making the purchase or after having made it to have confirmation that you have made the right decision. In short! you base your judgment on that of others or seek their consensus afterwards to have confirmation that you have done the right thing.

There is nothing wrong with all this! However! it is useful to know if you have a business and want to have additional weapons to increase customers and sales.


4. Principle of Sympathy

People prefer to deal with and say yes to people they like! who they like.

What does it mean?

It’s not just a question of aesthetics! but also of the affinity that is created between people or between consumers and brands.

Cialdini in his book “The weapons of persuasion” reports five factors that determine the creation of a bond between people.

  • Beauty : Attractive people tend to be associated with other positive characteristics;
  • Similarity : each of us becomes part of groups of similar people! in which we can recognize ourselves;
  • Compliments : We tend to like people who show us their appreciation;
  • Cooperation : we get much closer to people who share our problems and who we feel can help us;
  • Association : We admire those we want to be like and! as a result! we tend to adopt the same attitudes.

Instinctively! each of us feels more attracted to people we consider nice! with these we tend to lower our barriers! that is! to trust more. As a result! we will be more likely to be persuaded. This principle works in exactly the same way if it is applied to the business world.

5. Principle of Authority or Authoritativeness


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Why do we naturally feel compelled to obey the instructions of people in uniform? Because they exude authority and because we recognize the clothing they wear as a symbol of authority. 

Authority has always been respected because we feel obliged to obey or because we trust that person! think of the figure of the doctor who is a man! or a woman! in a white coat.

So! if you want to give authority to your communications! a great way is to give scientific proof or cite statistics. For example! on the guarantees of success that consumers can obtain with your product or service. If these statistics come from authoritative people who they trust or know! they will tend to choose to buy from you.

It is much easier for the public to take a certain statement as true! and consequently follow it! when it is supported by a prominent person.

The concept of authority also applies to the world of influencer marketing ! so collaborating with an influencer to promote your products. Their status leads potential customers to trust them and! therefore! to also trust the products or services they promote.

6. Scarcity Principle

Last two rooms left !” “ Only five items left at this price !” and so on. Have you ever heard! seen! or read statements like that? I’m sure you have.

The rule of scarcity has become one of Cialdini’s principles most adopted in the best marketing strategies.

Why? Because even stronger than the desire to have is the fear of losing.

In marketing or sales the application of the principle of scarcity is expressed with the formula create a sense of urgency .

The reason is simple. If a consumer knows that there are only a few pieces of the product he is looking for! or if he is aware that he has little time available to buy it! he will feel the need to buy it right away .

A famous example of the use of the scarcity principle is what you can see on Booking when you search for a room or an apartment and the message “ only two rooms left ” appears! or “ 7 people have already purchased this solution ”. In this last case! you should also notice the use of another principle! namely social proof. If you see that others have already purchased! you should be more inclined to do so too.

This principle fights a very strong human habit! namely procrastination . We are talking about the attitude that leads a person to postpone an action forever.

On the contrary! the principle of scarcity imposes the necessary urgency to avoid postponement.

7. Principle of Unity

The last of the rules of persuasion what is a sales funnel, how to create one and make it work [2024] that Robert Cialdini talked about is that of unity.

Human beings are gregarious ! they need a group to feel strong and accepted. We can see this basic principle within a family.

The same mental mechanism! however! also applies in the external world. Man becomes stronger when he feels he belongs to a group that can be based on race! gender! language! political orientation! etc.

In this way! the principle of unity enters into marketing and sales strategies to attract more and more customers and make them feel part of a group .

This is the best way to engage consumers who identify with those characteristics! thus increasing what becomes a real community .

This is a strategy increasingly used 1000 mobile phone numbers by new startups . In fact! they do not rely solely and exclusively on sales but! first of all! they worry about creating an ecosystem. Only at a later stage! when they have already created a loyal audience! will they dedicate themselves to the next step! that is! sales.


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