A digital marketing plan based on an automation flow will help your company better organize customer input and understand the path they take until making a purchase.
Here on the blog we have already talked about marketing automation , but in this case we are not just drawing attention to the use of tools that facilitate the execution of some day-to-day tasks.
An automation flow within a marketing strategy places the customer on a kind of board, so that they move through certain spaces, complete steps and reach the end of the process satisfied with the conversion they made.
How important is the automation flow?
A digital marketing strategy that america phone number list sales only happens when the company knows very well the behavior of the audience it wants to reach.
Therefore, a good automation flow is the result of a lot of study and research.
Before you start sketching an organizational chart, you need to understand:
- How the customer reaches your company;
- How do you understand that you need to obtain what your company offers;
- How do you seek information to confirm this need;
- How to make the purchase;
- How do you want to be treated after the sale?
This information needs to be answered in depth before an automation flow can begin. A mistake in this response capture process can render the org chart ineffective and drive away the customer instead of retaining them.
Is automation flow restricted to email?
Sending email custom templates is part of a plan, as it depends on other digital marketing strategies to attract customers and lead them to conversion.
It is always good to remember that a marketing strategy does not work alone. The combination of several actions is what will make a person feel attracted to a certain product or service and want to obtain it.
READ MORE: Paid traffic and organic traffic, how can they work together?
Automation workflows are used to target users who come to your business at different times. After all, not everyone starts the conversion process at the beginning.
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Let us explain: just as your canada cell numbers will need to create a need for a product in a person’s life, it can also attract people who already know what they want and are just looking for someone to meet their desire. Therefore, these two profiles cannot follow the same path to conversion, understand?
An automation flow is the path each customer takes until they make a purchase or repurchase. And each one has a path to follow until conversion.