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Developing a Low-tech Object

Low-tech does not characterize an object, but qualifies a common approach, between the designer of the object, and its end user, which aims to choose a reasoned, responsible, sustainable consumption . Supposes to think about its entire life cycle. The object is designed to meet a real need . It is thought of as simple in its design, and accessible : this illustrates the social and ethical aspect of low-tech. Its production minimizes as much as possible the use of rare resources, in a concern for environmental honduras phone number library sustainability.  This term has an ideological scope. This implies questioning its needs to rationalize them, to respond to the essential, with a view to preserving and sharing resources.

Sources: Responsible Digital Institute

The low-tech approach applies to many areas: agriculture, energy, mobility, construction, but also digital. At first glance, the subject may seem incompatible with the digital sector , which is essentially that of technology. The use of digital technology is also deeply rooted in our daily lives: to access information, communicate, work, use services, and even for industrial production. The challenge is to overcome this apparent incompatibility. And in fact, several avenues exist for taking into account the principles of low-tech in the digital field.

Please note: The aim of this article is to propose inspiring initiatives that take into account the notions of sustainability. Perpetuity and sobriety, in the spirit of low-tech, without necessarily. Completely meeting all the characteristics of the approach, which is social, ethical, sustainable and local.

Questioning our daily digital consumption

The first track is on the end user side, and consists of reducing daily digital usage. Preferring, as far as possible, non-technological alternatives. But this may seem complex, even too theoretical, to the extent that our Best Practices for Managing Email Campaign List Growth modern systems are dependent on the internet, and screens, necessary for working, accessing many contact lists services, etc. In these conditions, an approach like the 5Rs is a first step to reconsider our digital consumption. The 5Rs: refuse, reduce, reuse, repair and recycle invite us to select, to make choices.

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