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Frontal attack

A frontal attack is a concentrated blow with the main forces against the enemy’s strongest positions. The winner of the fight is the one with more resources and a stronger spirit. The rival attacks the goods, advertising activities, and prices.

According to the principle of strength, the one who has more clients wins the fight. This principle needs to be adjusted if the opponent has an advantage in terms of higher fire density or convenient positions on the battlefield (entrenched on commanding heights).

According to the military, the principle that a successful frontal attack requires a threefold superiority of the attacker in manpower and firepower is an axiom. Otherwise, an offensive is a sure road to death.

Relatively recently, 

Brazilian razor company tried to displace Gillette from its leadership position on all fronts. The company was asked if it would offer the market better blades, to which the answer was no. Then they asked about the price – would it be lower? No. “Maybe you will conduct a grand advertising campaign?” And again no. “Will you give big discounts to wholesalers?” No discounts. “Do you have a secret weapon?” To which the company finally answer affirmatively: “Yes, we are going to win!” Needless to say, its aspirations were not crown with success?

An alternative to a frontal attack could be a modifi version of it – a price war .

Reducing the price of a product will bring good results if:

  • there is no response denmark phone number resource from the market leader,
  • convince consumers that the quality of your product is no worse than that of your competitor, but it costs less.

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The second method is based on large financial investments by the attacking side in modernizing technologies voice search is changing the landscape of digital marketing  aimed at reducing production costs and further falling prices. Companies in Japan are particularly successful in pursuing such a marketing policy.

Flank attack

The point is that the strongest parts of the defending side are concentrat along the front in the expect directions of deb directory  offensive strikes. As a rule, the flanks are weaker, and therefore are excellent targets for attack.

The war is wag according to the modern principle: concentrate strength against weakness. The attacking side can demonstratively attack the opponent in the center of the defense in order to draw away his most combat-ready units, and prepare a real breakthrough of the front on the flank.

Such an attack can be called a manifestation of true marketing intuition. It is usually used by companies with limit resources. If the attacking side understands that it will not overcome the opponent in a frontal attack, it can only hope for the ability to maneuver.

Depending on the direction, a flank attack can be geographical or segmental. The first assumes that the attacking side activates activities in subjects where the enemy is inactive. Thus, IBM’s competitors, namely Honeywell, creat representative offices in medium and small American cities where the company was passive.


Source: shutterstock.com

A segmentation attack involves the market leader identifying unmet consumer needs. This business marketing strategy has been successfully implement by Japanese automakers, who captur the rapidly growing market for fuel-efficient cars, and by Miller Brewing, which was the first to produce low-calorie light beer.

Flank strategy is equivalent to the ability to identify and meet customer needs that arise from shifts in market segments and the development of new, strong industries. Unlike the cutthroat struggle between firms competing in the same territory, a highly effective flank offensive provides the opportunity to better meet customer needs.

The flanking attack is the best form of attack in the modern marketing philosophy, which states that the purpose of marketing is to identify and satisfy customer needs. It is certainly much more effective than the frontal attack.

Attempt at encirclement

The company attacks in several directions at once: from the front, from the flank, from the rear. The attacking side offers the market the same as the rival, but a little more, so that the buyer cannot refuse. An attempt to encircle the enemy is reasonable only if there are significant resources, and a sudden attack will catch the opponent off guard, thereby depriving him of the opportunity to defend himself.

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Bypass maneuver

This entrepreneurial marketing strategy of business pursues the goal, which consists in attacking more accessible markets and thereby expanding the resource reserve of the advancing company. In accordance with the tactics, the production and markets of the enterprise are diversifi, new technologies are introduc.

Companies that want to take a leadership position do not copy a competitor’s product. Instead, they slowly conduct scientific research, create new technologies and attack the enemy, moving the front line to areas where they have a greater advantage.

Guerrilla warfare

The essence of the strategy is to carry out numerous attacks with small forces throughout the entire territory in which the enemy has establish himself, unexpect and demoralizing attacks on the enemy from pre-prepar bases using all types of weapons and methods of warfare: selective price reductions, intensive blitz campaigns to promote products, and also – as an exception – legal actions.


Source: shutterstock.com

The idea that guerrilla warfare is a strategic alternative for enterprises with limit resources is wrong. It is quite expensive to conduct. In addition, guerrilla warfare is, perhaps, preparation for military action. There is only one effective way to respond to an aggressor-guerrilla – to quickly counterattack him.

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