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What is a Sales Funnel, How to Create One and Make It Work [2024]



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What to do to create your sales funnel

If you have a business or a company! surely your main goal is to grow the business and the sales funnel! it helps you do just that! To attract people and take them! step by step! to the moment of purchase.

In this article! you will understand that the sales funnel is an interesting and useful tool to refine your sales process and to understand the areas that need improvement.

Maybe you have already heard of funnels b2c cell phone number list but with different names! for example acquisition funnel! sales cycle! sales funnel! buyer journey! conversion funnel ! etc… Names that vary depending on the fields of study in which they are used and the perspective from which the processes are considered. In fact! when we talk about sales! we consider more the internal processes of the company ! when we talk about purchasing! the focus is on consumers .

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That said! let’s immediately see specifically what a sales funnel is ! what phases it is made up of and! ultimately! how to create an effective process.

What is the sales funnel?


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The sales funnel! or sales funnel! is a process that consists of a series of strategic actions aimed at attracting users and leading them to the point of conversion.

The model uses the funnel as an analogy because you have to imagine it with its inverted cone shape. In the upper! wider part! you have to attract the greatest number of leads! that is! people who show interest in your product or service. These will go through various phases until they reach the last one! the conversion. This part is narrower precisely because the sales are not as many as the initial acquisitions.

The wider the funnel at the beginning! that is! the more leads you attract! the more your conversions will increase. Each time the consumer goes through the stages of the purchasing process ! it means that he shows further interest in the product or service. Consequently! the sale also becomes more and more concrete.

At each stage of the funnel! your goal is to get consumers to take actions that will move them to the next stage. Therefore! you need to know how to communicate with them in the right way and push them to continue the process.

A sales funnel worthy of the name must be:

  • Universal : can be applied and adapted to any activity and in any sector;
  • Timeless : It transforms and changes with processes and to meet needs! so it has no expiration date.

Having a sales funnel helps you determine a strategic and repeatable process with which to acquire customers and close deals. It allows you to better understand your potential customers! understand what their purchasing path is and evaluate which strategies to apply and what to optimize to facilitate your business relationships.

Marketing and sales funnel

The sales funnel is a process that arises from the meeting of three main variables :

  1. The purchase : the customer looking for the solution to a problem;
  2. The sale : the seller who offers the solution to the problem! here the sales techniques also come into play ;
  3. Marketing : the study of consumers and their needs to support sales.

The consumer buying process is beyond your control! you can only study it and try to understand how it happens. But you can control sales and marketing to be able to intercept consumers at the stages they are in.

The sales funnel is part of an break the stigma of microinfluencers as part of your strategy operational process necessary to build a sustainable and targeted communication strategy. However long and varied the path may be ! the consumer always goes from the recognition of the problem to the search for the solution .

When building your conversion funnel! you need to make sure that at each step! potential customers are increasingly convinced that you have the right solution to solve their problems or meet their needs.

The activities at each stage of the funnel are different and require different approaches to consumers. This is true whether you want to build your sales funnel online or offline ! with your salespeople! or yourself! as protagonists.

So! a sales funnel depends on:

  • Understanding how the 1000 mobile phone numbers consumer purchasing process is organized;
  • The way the company communicates with its potential customers to help them make a purchasing decision.

There is more than one sales funnel model . The different types have been developed over time to follow the transformations and evolutions of sales and purchasing processes. In the next paragraphs! we will discover them all.

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