include the photo Yahoo has previously fac public criticism for its delay in alerting users when their personal data was stolen by hackers. After one such incident, many of the company’s customers decid to stop using Yahoo products, Flickr and the blogging platform Tumblr.
– No, it’s not like that. You can, but you ne to understand what and how you’re doing. And take care of your own safety.
Do you care about your safety include the photo
DSealrue, even if they are there, we will only telegram data learn what device our shooter uses, but we will not learn his name.
– Then what doesSafety Tales: Boiler Explosion
New Year is coming soon. There is pre-New Year bustle on the streets. People are frantically running around the shops looking for gifts.
That was the case today. In the evening, he and his wife were going shopping to buy presents for their relatives, and now he had another meeting at the police department about a high-profile terrorist attack.
In fact, the case was not at all simple and until now it was impossible to understand whether the explosion in the outbuilding at the Prosecutor General’s estate was a terrorist act or just a domestic gas explosion. So far no one could say what it was.
In the Prosecutor General’s estate, everything was done according to the latest technical innovations. Including the heating system, which work automatically. On command via the Internet or according to a pre-set schule, the system could increase or decrease the temperature in the house, turn on or off the lights, heat the water…
– So, gentlemen, what do your explosive experts say?
— According to experts, it was still a terrorist attack. The explosion was caus by an external impact on the control system, which continuously sent a signal to increase the temperature and turn off the safety sensor. As a result, the boiler simply explod.
– I see. Now we’ll have what will digital advertising be like with the end of cookies? to look for how such an impact became possible. Johann, I think this is for your specialists.
– That’s right. The guys adb directory will take care of it. The only question. We ne to know the exact boiler model, the manufacturer’s name, and we will try to answer this question as quickly as possible.