For example, you installed or updated a module that protects against spam. But due to a script conflict, users lost the ability to comment.
Or it happens that after updating individual modules and plugins, the desktop version of the site works correctly. But in the mobile version there are interruptions, and even the shopping cart can malfunction. As a result, your money is gone!
Be sure to equip the site only with those functions that work for you. If there are failures or incorrect actions somewhere, it is better to get rid of such a function.
Problems with searching on the site.
There are also non-obvious errors that occur in non-standard situations. We recommend constantly monitoring what functions users use. It is also important to analyze whether there is a difference in conversion among those who used this functionality and those who did not.
Track changes in conversion dynamics to immediately identify possible errors.
For example, those who used the search on the site had a conversion rate that was half that of those who did not use this function. This means that there are some problems with the search.
It often happens that a person gets to a site with non-working functionality. At the same time, the product he needs is presented on this site. The user wants to find it through the search, but nothing happens.
Let’s say he is looking for a product from a Western manufacturer and types in “Mont Blanc trunk”. In fact, this word is written like this “MontBlanc”. The person typed in the query as best he could, but the search didn’t work and nothing could be found.
If the search is unsuccessful, the user will not call the manufacturer and inquire about the product. He will simply leave the site. Users can also search for products using jargon or special terms accepted by your target audience. Let’s take, for example, the query “Ivanovets crane”. The search engine finds nothing.
The user does not find colombia phone number material the product on the site, but it is there. It is just called differently, and the search does not see it.
If the search function does not work correctly, use Yandex search (it will work better).
Tracking errors in web analytics.
If error messages how digital marketing works in online business development pop up on the site (when the user enters data incorrectly, the phone number is not in the correct format, information is missing in a particular field, etc.), be sure to reflect this in web analytics.
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Surely, you are familiar with the situation when, when entering some data, you receive an error message in the form of an text services invalid format of the entered information. Almost no one pays attention to what percentage of visitors see these error messages.
You need to set up analytics for tracking. Let’s say you need to remove this check or come up with a different name for this field, or somehow let users know what exactly they need to enter.
When a user makes a mistake, you tell them that they shouldn’t do that, and you also reflect that in web analytics. Modern analytics systems allow any event (whether it’s a pop-up window or pressing the wrong button) to be recorded as a separate goal. In other words, you should know about these events.
Choose only high-quality products. For example, the same function can be implemented using different scripts and plugins. But the difficulty is that such add-ons can work differently and load the site. Therefore, always analyze your site.
Design of the main page depending on the direction of the site
The design of the main page is determined by the focus of the site (product sales, services, brand promotion, blog, information content, etc.). Therefore, there are different main pages. Let’s look at the main types:
Home page of the online store
The design of an online store website usually involves more than 10 pages and a complex structure.
If the main page is designed correctly, it includes the following information blocks:
- product catalog (where products can be filtered by price, brand, material, season and other parameters);
- the products themselves (as a rule, TOP products or TOP ads are presented with several representatives from each block);
- promotions (discounts, marked-down goods, several items for the price of one, etc.);
- contacts for ordering and purchasing (link to the order form and telephone numbers);
- address (usually the address of the main office is indicated).
Such sites are distinguished by the fact that they have software modules designed to automate the sales funnel. It will also be useful to supplement the main page of the online store with the service “Help from a specialist” and “Ask a question”.
Home page of the services website
The second place in popularity is occupied by service sites. Their main task is to present a list of services and all possible advantages of the seller.
The main page must contain the following sections:
- a catalog of services with links to pages where they are described in more detail (if there is only one service, it must be described in as much detail as possible on the main page);
- price list (the most favorable prices and offers are posted on the main page, and a full list of prices for services can be provided on another page, which the user can access by clicking the “Price” button);
- portfolio (photos of the seller’s work always inspire loyalty among potential clients);
- advantages (your task when designing a website is to convey to the user that he will not find a better company. Here you can indicate the deadlines for completing the work, the use of high-quality unique equipment, the professional level of the workers, their photos, education, and so on);
- address (it is necessary to indicate the address of the main office, since a company without an office can cause mistrust among clients).