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Sharing my experience

The pandemic has my experience given impetus to the development of remote professions, including accounting outsourcing. Since 2020, legislation has been changing daily, new government support measures have been add. The demand has increasingly fallen on progressive and experienc specialists working in multitasking mode. Such specialists are in short supply. That is why I decid to create a course for freelance accountants and support unemploy women in Russia.

I have never felt competition and dream of quality consulting services

Having built a successful business, I decid to share my experience with colleagues and creat a community o my experience f outsourcing owners “Business Protection League”. In Europe, entrepreneurs are us to delegating individual business processes to professionals. In our country, the owner is us to inflating the staff and my experience wasting time, nerves, controlling employees. My goal is to increase trust in outsourcing in Russia by improving the qualifications of specialists and the quality of consulting services.

All the power in action

To help my experience asia mobile number list businesses, I come up with initiatives at meetings of the Expert Council on Entrepreneurship of the Youth Parliament under the State Duma. Since the creation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, I have been sharing knowlge at meetings and consulting entrepreneurs in the Domodovo region. A pleasant surprise was the victory at the territorial stage of the competition “Lady-Business. Moscow Region 2020”, organiz by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Moscow Region.

Improving the existing business and mastering

New projects is possible what do we do if our churn rate is high? thanks to the support of the family and satisfi clients who adb directory recommend us to their partners. In a changing world, I am often sav , I decid to share my experience with colleagues and creat a community o my experience f outsourcing owners by the ability to make quick decisions, analyze what is happening and a little adventurism.


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