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Privacy Policy: Does your website comply with the law?

The entry into force of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) in August 2021 has made companies aware of the need to create a privacy policy . This action aims to make it clear to the public who access and interact with the website what is done with their personal and browsing data.

In order to understand the preferences of the public and to arouse the desire to buy in a more strategic way, it is very common for companies to use so-called “cookies” and make forms available to be filled out in exchange for more relevant and rich content. However, this data needs to be managed responsibly so that it does not fall into the hands of malicious people.

You’ve certainly read in some media outlet information about the leak of sensitive customer data from one or more high-profile portals, right? So, it’s a fact that you don’t want your company to also become news for this reason, right?

Therefore, to avoid these virtual disasters and offer greater security to users, companies need to include a privacy policy on their pages, informing the terms of use of the “traces” left by users during navigation.

Is this concern about privacy policy recent?

Not really. Before the LGPD came into effect, the Consumer Protection Code and the Internet Civil Rights Framework already middle east mobile number list the issue and warned companies about the responsible management of data collected from users.

What happened was that this data was sometimes leaked due to a lack of care and security – or was exchanged between companies – and ended up putting users’ privacy at risk, without clear punishments for those responsible.

From then on, protecting the information became a serious matter: users now have guarantees, and companies – and individuals such as influencers – who do not create measures to prevent theft or leaks of information will duly responsible.

We can therefore say that the novelty in this context is the more careful look at the data (document numbers, banking information, conversation histories) of the thousands of users who enter and leave internet pages.

Many companies have been to adapt to the new rules. Such as social networks and Google. Platforms like Facebook, for example, work with advertising campaigns and, at all times, record user data and preferences that are to “deliver” ads to the right people.

The same goes for Google, which has specialized tools for compiling and generating reports to help brands find the right audience for each of their marketing actions.

Imagine if these gigantic companies continued without clear rules for capturing and managing the data of the thousands of users who access their pages at any given time?


What changes in the company-client relationship with the privacy policy?

Transparency is one of the first changes. And we need to how to fix duplicate content issues that this is one of the principles of a good relationship between customer and company, right?

When a brand clarifies its privacy policy and terms of use, it makes it clear to users what happens while they browse the website pages.

As we explained above, this amount of data is usually for good and helps companies understand user behavior and, in this way, start offering more content, helping customers in the engagement and purchase decision-making processes. At the same time, when it falls into the wrong hands, it causes great damage.

Creating a privacy policy and terms of use offers other important advantages for companies’ marketing strategies: it helps with the positioning of pages in search results. This is because this information has become part of the “checklist” of good usability of a page and is closely by Google’s robots.

It also increases the credibility of the company, which is attentive to current laws and concerned with offering the best to its visitors.

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What should  include in a website’s privacy policy and terms of use?

First, it is important to clarify the canada cell numbers why data. Generally, some of the reasons are:

  • Offering rich materials
  • Email Marketing Signatures
  • Registration for live sessions and webinars
  • Analysis to improve navigability
  • Offering more targeted promotions, information products and content

Therefore, when preparing the text, the company needs to answer users’ questions, which are:

  • Reasons why the website collects data;
  • Types of information captured;
  • How information is (cookies, contact forms);
  • Where and how this information is and for how long;
  • How to disable data collection;
  • How to clarify other doubts on the subject.

Each company has a business model, which means that the collection of user data is not. Therefore, the content of the privacy policy varies according to the market segment, the type of information collected and its purpose.

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