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Preparing to create an interface

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Checklist: How to Achieve Your Goals in Negotiations with Clients

An employee who shows up at work every morning fresh, clean-shaven, neat and well-dress , not only creates the right impression shop of himself, but also demonstrates his respect for others. Neatness in clothing is always associat , with responsibility, decency, and punctuality in business.



Mistakes that spoil the image of the organization’s leader

With some actions, the head of the company is capable of not only destroying his own image in the eyes of employees, but strategic allies in the fight against churn rate also r ,ucing the performance of his team, which will affect the general state of the organization, spoil the business reputation, and lead to losses.

The management of the manager’s image should be done daily.

What will negatively affect the reputation of the boss:

  • Lack of respect for subordinates – shouting at employees, threats, obscene language, personal attacks, etc.
  • Using connections search engine optimization mails for work purposes, privileges for friends and relatives.
  • Failure to keep promises, evasion.
  • Dividing the team into “favorites” and “outcasts”.
  • Incitement to internal corporate strife, informing, gossip.
  • Dismissals without reason, unjustifi , fines.

Having receiv , the position of head of a department or top manager of the entire organization, some people radically change their attitude towards other members of the team. They become tough, make excessive demands, and use their official position for selfish purposes.

By abruptly distancing themselves from yesterday’s colleagues, such leaders are capable of ruining their own image even at the beginning of their careers.

Read also!

“Company image: development, formation, improvement”Read more

However, being too loyal to other employees can also lead to them perceiving the new boss as a friend and ignoring his orders.

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