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Quality content – what does it mean?

How do you know if your content is quality if there are no generally accepted parameters for quality? For example, for one user, a five-minute video tutorial will be optimal, while another believes that useful video content on the same topic should be at least half an hour long.

The situation is similar with graphic material: some people like articles with informative infographics, while others prefer entertaining posts with memes.

Since the Internet audience is huge, and each user has their own interests and values, it is difficult to formulate criteria for content quality. Each author, blogger or website owner has their own ideas about what the public will like.

However, even under these conditions, it is possible to establish the requirements that quality content must meet. This is what can be called material if it is unique (completely original), informative, useful (solves a problem, answers a question, etc.), has practical value and involves the reader (viewer).

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In order to talk about the quality of content, we need to define it. It is clear that this term refers to some information content, however, contrary to popular belief, it may not only be text. Content types:

  1. Text.
  2. Graphic (image, infographic, presentation).
  3. Audio content.
  4. Video content.


Despite the variety text services of content, the question of quality most often concerns the text format.

Characteristics of quality content


Good content is primarily considered to be unique material, i.e. completely original. Search bots highly value texts and images that are not duplicated on different sites. Pages with original articles are indexed faster, are ranked better and generate more interest among Internet users.

The most effective, but at the same time the most difficult and labor-intensive way to create unique texts is to write them yourself. Of course, it will take a lot of time to prepare an article, but these efforts will pay off. To make the audience pay attention to the content, write on relevant topics, that is, those that are related to some “hot” news item or are of the greatest interest to the audience.

Relevance and thematic content

Another quality parameter is relevance, i.e. compliance with the topic of the request, which search engines determine by key phrases in the text. It is by keys that users search for information, and SEO specialists optimize the site pages.

Thematicity, i.e. compliance with a certain topic, also plays an important role. Today, to create a good article that will not only please readers, but also get to the top of search results, you need to fulfill two conditions:

  1. Insert keywords and phrases (in exact or direct match) from the cluster into the text.
  2. Add words from the thematic group of semantics.

When creating a page optimized for search engines, you need to do both of these steps, and also check the frequency of keywords depending on the volume of characters.

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