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What to do to create your sales funnel

The previous model evolved into what was later identified as the classic sales funnel . The conversion process was oriented towards the trend of recurring purchases! so an additional stage was added to continue to stay in touch with customers even after the purchase.

In fact! your brand’s relationship with the buyer does not end immediately after the single purchase! but continues with the intention of stimulating subsequent sales .

The first four stages! which here appear as Awareness! Consideration! Preference! Purchase! are equivalent to those of the AIDA Model. So let’s take a closer look at the fifth.

Loyalty . Maintain direct contact with the buyer! provide post-purchase assistance and create a relationship with him! even through email communication. In this way! you will remain in the buyer’s mind and he will come back to buy from you at least a second time. Furthermore! if the experience you offer is positive! he will speak well of your brand and your products with his circle of acquaintances.

Another aspect not to be underestimated is that it

will leave you positive reviews . These will be evaluated by other users to get an idea of ​​what your products or services are like and what b2c cell phone number list the purchasing experience with your company is like.

This virtuous circle will give you a strong and positive brand reputation! more customers and more sales. The increase in profits will lead your business to grow and you will have more resources available to invest in improving your business processes.

Let’s move on to the more practical part and briefly see how to build a sales or conversion funnel.

If you have already decided that you want to introduce this strategy in your company but you don’t know where to start! click the button and ask me for a consultation.

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To create a sales funnel you must first start with the strategy and then have the right tools to implement it.

Remember that your main goal to get to the sale is to be able to communicate effectively with your potential customer. From this will begin the entire process of Lead Generation


The stages for building your strategic conversion funnel are made up of:

  1. Audience definition: the more you know about your potential customers ! the more effective your sales funnel becomes. This is why the first strategic move you need to make is an analysis and study of the people you intend to address your offer to;
  2. Attention Capture: The study done above is used to create all the content that will be seen by your target audience. For example! you can evaluate the creation of sponsored ads for social media made with graphics! images or videos and accompanied by a short text! then consider setting up marketing campaigns through different means and tools;
  3. Creating a landing page: or landing page ! a web page built specifically for that purpose! should guide the visitor to the next step of your funnel and make him discover more information about the company and all the benefits he will get thanks to that particular product or service;
  4. Setting up an email flow: sending them regular content related to your product or service;
  5. Complete the purchase and stay in touch: other incentives to stimulate the purchase ! for example a discount code! a special gift or anything else that ties in well and makes them perceive the enormous value of what they are about to buy. 

Obviously! each funnel! regardless of whether it is a b2b or bc2 funnel! must be adapted to the specific situation and this makes it suitable for any type of business! but this does not mean that you just have to copy someone else’s because it probably won’t work in your case.

It is important that you have a


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 strategic plan for your business because what tools do you need? business should not be a victim of chance. You are the one who should be in control of your business and its process of growth and development.

If you want I can help you to have a clearer idea of ​​all the procedures. 

I am an entrepreneur and expert in sales and marketing strategies and I have already put my skills to use for myself and my clients.

If you are interested in 1000 mobile phone numbers understanding how to create a sales funnel   and consequently increase the number of customers and sales! come and discover my consulting services and evaluate the most advantageous one for you.


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