contact name: Stig W. Jensen
contact job function details: operations
contact job function: operations
contact job title: Senior Vice President Operations
contact job seniority: vp
contact person city:
contact person state: Capital Region of Denmark
contact person country: Denmark
contact person zip code:
business name:
business domain: VELUX A/S
business facebook URL:
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
dominican republic phone number
business angellist:
business found year:
business city:
business zip code: Hørsholm
business state: 2970
business country:
business language: 1950
business employee: Denmark
business category: English
business specialty: building materials
business technology: better living environments with daylight & fresh air through the roof, building materials
business description: melbourne_it,outlook,office_365,azure,hubspot,django,asp_net,addthis,doubleclick_conversion,google_plus_login,microsoft-iis,mobile_friendly,new_relic,google_dynamic_remarketing,cornerstone_on_demand,google_adwords_conversion,facebook_widget,google_remarketing,google_adsense,facebook_login,google_tag_manager,visual_website_optimizer