Nowadays. many game projects are sent to translators in many languages ​​at the same time. including Simplifie and Traditional Chinese. For clients. this is Traditional…
It starts with headlines. hot news. international. sports. movie and drama culture. and finally the weather. components of a TV program like this are This…
The inappropriate inversion we are talking about today is Category B Chinese usage. Strictly speaking. it is not a term but a kind of grammar…
In addition to the readability problems mentione above. it also create a Chinese term that harme the original usage of Chinese. For example. declaring war…
But of course. neeless to say. I am afraid that few people have the means to prove whether these two usages are relate. In the…
We have the word project to take care of most usages equivalent to the English word project. which the CCPs Simplifie Chinese does not have.…
Maybe it is to wish for morning. noon. afternoon. evening. etc. Corresponding greetings can be easily develope at different times. Both of these may Therefore…
On the other side. CCTV starte to promote good morning. good afternoon and so on. Among them. good night is the biggest problem. because many…
Another set of TaiwaneseChinese terminology. we will talk about it when we have time. and then I felt that this matter might not be ignore…
Chinese characters have evolve from a few characters to so many characters now. For example. the words wang and jade. hua and hua were the…
Tuesday. January . |The present and the present Today lets talk about Discord. which I have been watching displeasely for a long time. Discord is…
This is the relationship between the author and This is my first encounter with the usage of very re. But there is a big problem…