To be completely frank, of course, it is not completely free: time in the modern world is a very valuable resource, and it will have to be spent. But the financial component will really be zero.
We have compiled a list of several ways to increase website traffic, which, if applied in practice, you will see for yourself: free traffic exists!
Useful content.
Regularly published useful content attracts users who not only browse the site themselves, but also share links with friends, recommend to acquaintances, which helps attract traffic.
But the content must be truly interesting and high-quality. If you know how and love to write, take beautiful pictures, shoot interesting videos, share it with the world. And the world will respond by increasing the popularity of your resource.
When working for people, pay a little attention to search robots, make it easier for them to find and deliver your content. Be sure to optimize the content for search engine requirements (lists, paragraphs, title and description meta tags, h1–h6 headings), include key phrases in the texts (but without spam).
Republishing someone else’s content.
Have you come across a good publication that you are sure will be interesting to your subscribers? Take action. Write to the author (or copyright holder) with an offer to place the material (with a link to the original source) on your site. If he refuses, there is nothing you can do, you will have cyprus phone number library to put up with it, because you are not going to steal someone else’s content and will not. If he agrees, place the material, invite the audience to read and express opinions, leave comments. Traffic is guaranteed.
- Guest blogging.
This method is a how to attract qualified leads? mirror of the previous one. Try to become a guest on a resource with a similar topic. During the preliminary conversation, discuss the topic of the content you provide (of course, no advertising, only something interesting and useful), emphasize the need to indicate your name and a link to the resource. On some portals, the link under guest posts is closed by nofollow, this should not upset you, since the traffic will still come. In addition, the deb directory external link profile of your site will be enriched.
How to achieve multiple growth in traffic and sales from your website?
I have always been concerned about the issue of moving to a fundamentally new level. So that the indicators would grow not by 2 or 3 times, but by several orders of magnitude. From a thousand visits to ten thousand or from ten thousand to a hundred thousand, if we are talking about a website, for example.
And I know that such leaps are always the result of painstaking work in five areas:
- Technical condition of the site.
- SEO.
- Collection of site semantics.
- Creating useful content.
- Working on conversion.
And at the same time, every manager needs an increase in sales and the number of applications from the site at the moment.
To get this growth, download our step-by-step template for increasing sales from the site:Download templateAlready downloaded153036You can “visit” sites with a topic close to yours from the Top 20 search results. Sometimes it is enough to leave even a small comment (the main thing is that it stands out and attracts users) so that your information traffic increases by an order of magnitude. For SEO, such visits are no less effective. Another thing is that few people want to see “guests” in their articles. Do not be discouraged when receiving refusals, and continue to negotiate with site owners. The effect on the promotion of your young resource will be stunning. By the way, the “Natural Links” module in PromoPult will help in finding suitable sites for placement.
Tops and ratings.
Look for ratings of resources with your topic. If you have a cooking blog, type in the search engine “best cooking blogs”, “top cooking blogs”. Study the ratings found. If you are not there, contact the owner of the resource or the author. Tell them about yourself. If this is an independent rating, then most likely your channel will be added without unnecessary questions. But if the rating was ordered, do not be discouraged – someone is probably conducting independent research, which means your place in the rating is waiting for you.
- “Yandex.Directory” and “Google My Business”.
Another great service designed to help promote websites, which is especially important for young companies.
Free registration of a company in Yandex.Directory provides the following benefits:
- additional information (address, telephone number, opening hours, etc.) is included in the search results;
- availability for search in desktop and mobile Yandex.Maps, in Yandex and Yandex.Navigator mobile applications;improving ranking in local search results by setting up regionality.
Registration is simple: follow the link,
- Enter the company name, address, phone number, and indicate the type of activity. A list of companies in the territorial vicinity will be offered, study it (your company may already be registered). If it is not there, click “Add”. It is possible to link a company to your account and add it to “My organizations” (proof of ownership will be required). Wait for a call from the operator within 10 days, he will give you a code to enter on the registration page. The company is available in the search.
“Google My Business” is also a free service. At the same time, it accepts websites of all organizations for registration, not just those with a physical address. Information about you will be available in the search. The owner has the ability to quickly update information about his company thanks to the presence of an account.
Google can also help you collect statistics about your audience (who visited your site and from where). So, in addition to the additional traffic that will appear after registering on the resources, you get a whole set of useful tools for optimizing your site and running a business.
Yandex’s personalized recommendations service is still quite young. Launched in May 2017, it immediately gained popularity thanks to its functionality: Zen provides publishers, authors, and brands with direct and free access to Yandex’s multi-million audience.
- Guest blogging.