Home » Blog » The eye is everywhere, but what about the gaze? Conversation with Laurent Dupont, director of J 46

The eye is everywhere, but what about the gaze? Conversation with Laurent Dupont, director of J 46

L’Hebdo Blog: The next Journées de notre École will be held in Paris on November 5 and 6. 2016, and their theme, the Gaze Object. Could appear as a refocus on a fundamental notion of psychoanalytic and Lacanian theory in particular, more conceptual. And perhaps less mainstream what about . As director of these J46, can you tell us a little more about the choice of this theme. And if it is link to the cancellation of the J45 under the conditions that we know?

Laurent Dupont: The theme of the J46 is not at all link to the cancellation of the J45. This theme is of burn topicality.

The fact that  what about the J45 could not be held

had the consequence that everyone who had work for the J45 in the commission l by Christiane Alberti rose up as one man, or woman, as soon as I call them to set off on the adventure again. In a few days, as I said on Radio  accurate clean numbers list from frist database Lacan, we rais an army of desire to go on campaign.

Of course, the object gaze is an invention of Lacan. A brilliant find, which allows us to think about the subject, the clinic, art… And no one can deny that today the image or the eye, that is to say, is at the heart of the world. We break the stigma of microinfluencers as part of your strategy  could say that from the mirror stage to Seminar XI, where Lacan will formalize it and give it all its depth, the gaze is at the heart of Lacan’s research and this will continue until the end of his teach.

From this point of view

you are right, it is a fundamental notion of psychoanalysis and of Lacan’s teach. But today, the eye is everywhere, in surveillance cameras, in the science which wants to see via genetics or neuroscience the future of the subject not yet  malaysia numbers list arriv. Here, we can refer to this wonderful word from Jacques-Alain Miller: “Neuroscience is oblig, in order to account for neuronal development, to put into operation the gaze of the Other, because it is not the same th to receive the language of a machine or for it to be a human be who is watch. There must be a certain “be seen” of the subject for this to work.” [1]

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