Home » Blog » Twitter plans to allow users to follow topics of interest on the platform

Twitter plans to allow users to follow topics of interest on the platform

Twitter has announced that it is testing the possibility of allowing its users to follow topics and issues

of interest within the social network , facilitating the search for news through personalized curation

created by the platform’s own algorithms.

Imagine how cool it would be to be able to find all the most relevant posts about your favorite topic on

your Twitter timeline, just by typing in a keyword .

Think how cool it would be to keep up with all the latest news about series, celebrities, sports or even

a particular market all at once, without having to go out and search for specific profiles to follow.

Sounds great, doesn’t it? That’s what the people behind the platform thought.

At an event held in San Francisco, United States last Tuesday (13/08), they reported that they are

How will it be possible to follow topics of interest on Twitter?

The idea is that through the use of a machine usa telegram data learning tool , the network can curate

the most interesting tweets on a single topic, based on their relevance to the user.

So far, the tests have been carried out around the theme of “sports” on Android systems, so that the

company can evaluate how artificial intelligence and users themselves will respond to this new need.

According to Kayvon Beykpour, who has taken the lead role in the project, the intention is not to

create topics for all the topics of interest to its users, which shows a certain concern about the

possibility of the tool being used incorrectly.

Users could also mute selected topics, which would be ideal for those who follow a series and

constantly risk encountering a spoiler on Twitter.

Along these lines, the social network has also analyzed the creation of lists of interest, which would

function as alternatives to the main feed.

From this point on, the information available on the network would be organized by different topics,

which users would only access if they were interested.


Appearing in the Google section as a Rich this is a first step towards continuous improvement Snippet

is possible after creating a Google News Sitemap .


Social networks like Linkedin allow you to offer contact information that appears within organic


Depending on the type of content displayed on your website, it is important to determine in which category your information could appear within a Rich Snippet.

To do this, you need to understand how to implement it, so we won’t keep you waiting any longer!

How can Rich Snippets be implemented?

In order for these to appear, it is necessary review b to modify, very slightly, the HTML code of the

website. There are 3 types of data that Google allows to consider Rich Snippets:

  1. Microformats : Using HTML code, properties are assigned through category attributes
  2. within tags;
  3. Microdata : These categorize information using HTML5.
  4. RDFa : allows you to integrate different elements along with their properties to enrich information about people, recipes, ratings and more.

In addition, the Schema Creator tool allows you to enter data about the information that

the platform itself identifies as important for that type of data and generates a rich code ready to be

embedded in the website’s source code.

How do Rich Snippets influence SEO positioning?

On-Page SEO.

If a search engine can consider a page, based on its HTML code, to be a relevant and rich site, it can

set it as “position zero” for some searches, sometimes regardless of its organic

position . This leads to more views, clicks and conversions.

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