Home » Blog » What are opportunity keywords and how to use them in your marketing strategy?

What are opportunity keywords and how to use them in your marketing strategy?

In Digital Marketing there are multiple concepts, elements and aspects that are essential to carry out a

successful online campaign. One of them, and one that is rarely talked about online, is opportunity

keywords, and in this post we will explain why you need to take advantage of them for your strategies.

  • What are opportunity keywords?
  • How do they benefit SEO?
  • Do they help to climb positions in search engines?
  • 3 Methods to Take Advantage of Opportunity Keywords
  • How to identify keywords of opportunity?

What are opportunity keywords?

For search engine optimization or SEO , opportunity shop keywords are derived keywords in a text –

that is, they complement the main KW – that Google interprets as also being relevant to the content.

It is a type of keyword that is capable of providing greater context of the quality and relevance of a

material so that search engines understand that it has a direct relationship with what is being


Something curious about them is that, in principle, they are not a term that is planned to be

positioned, but Google determines that this content can also be positioned for another keyword due to

its breadth and the technical rigor with which it is created.

This means that they are elements capable of producing “residual” traffic due to the positioning

generated without having taken any explicit actions to do so. Therefore, it is a factor to which it is very

important to pay attention in order to make them part of our strategies.

How do they benefit SEO?

If you haven’t yet figured out how opportunity to benefit from expertise in category management keywords are able to get you rankings for a KW that wasn’t previously intended, don’t worry! We

understand that it’s a relatively new concept that not everyone is familiar with.

Here’s the explanation!

Keywords opportunities, as they are known in English, are terms capable of bringing large amounts of

traffic to our website through keywords that users —and of course Google— consider relevant at a

given time when searching for specific content.

Opportunity keywords allow SEO strategies to accelerate the achievement of results —which we know

can take a while if they are based only on organic positioning— since Google interprets that the

content is interesting and suitable for more than one search intention.

In this sense, strategically used keywords can increase the level of visibility that a website has. A fact

that makes detecting opportunities to take advantage of them in our favor an increasingly present

need in marketing teams to generate the greatest possible traffic, the essence of Inbound .

Do they help to climb positions in search engines?

We can safely say that by using opportunity review b keywords, Google suggests a series of terms that we can and should use so that created content can have more relevance online.

The reason they do help to climb the search engines is that Google recognizes that for a keyword there may be several derived keywords that “push” it up the SERPs.

The effectiveness of opportunity keywords in improving positioning is a proven fact. In addition, another positive fact is that these KW are easier to position than the main ones.

How does this happen?

Look at it this way: there are likely a very large number of sites competing for a keyword. However, opportunity keywords are overlooked by many, which gives them an advantage to those who see them as a chance to climb to the top of the search results.

For this reason, when you plan your keywords of opportunity for your published blog content , you give Google a signal that your text is now more relevant than before.

By using them to your advantage, you’ll be showing search engines that the terms users use to find you are now part of your materials.


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