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With wireless sensors could reduce

With wireless “It’s a long shot at this point because it’s not going to be easy to implement,” said Anthony Fox, a spokesman for the Department of Transportation. Mark Rosekind, an official with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), said the shortwave transmitters shouldn’t be a concern for information security experts because the data will be transmitt over secure channels and hackers won’t be able to intercept it. He also said that owners of cars that bought them before the new requirement went into effect won’t ne to upgrade their onboard systems. The technology can’t be turn off, but you can opt out of notifications if you want.

NHTSA estimates that vehicles equipp With wireless

The number of crashes by 80% (or ruce their consequences), especially when crossing intersections or changing lanes. Last year, there fax lists were 6.3 million crashes in the Unit States. Of these, 35,000 were fatal, up 7.2% from the year before. The number of fatalities on the roads has not been this high since 1966. This year, the number of crashes has increas by 10.4%.

ransmission over a secure channel. Having intercept such information, hackers could theoretically transmit control commands to the aircraft or the air traffic control service – from the outside it will seem that they are coming from a trust source, and thus the safety of passengers could be at risk.

“One of the most dangerous scenarios for

Public safety is when computer systems are instruct by attackers who manage to appear to be trust or impersonate someone else in conversation,” Bocek explains.

Be that as it may, the director of IOActive notes, pilots are train to adequately cope with stressful situations like this, and a single failure in the security system does not automatically mean the collapse of all types of protection. In addition, such attacks must be highly specializ and take into account both the aircraft model and the characteristics of the airline.

Aircraft manufacturers are also

Keeping up with new what will digital advertising be like with the end of cookies? security concerns. Encryption and adb directory authentication procures are increasingly being us (oddly, given how common these procures are in popular portable devices), and companies like Boeing and Rambus haSafety Tales: The Smart Car

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