You will pay attention to the Another aspect not to be overlooked in the profession of web editor, freelance or not: the quality of the sources used to write your texts. A good source is a source:
- Reliable : rely on organizations and/or reference sites on the subjects covered.
- Recent : An article written with facts mobile phone number data updated dating back several years loses significant relevance.
Please You will pay attention to the note
Citing your sources precisely in an article helps to give credibility to your text. Forget the infamous “according to an American study…”, which is the ultimate bearer of fake news.
12. You will think about CTAs
Do you click or not?
CTAs (or calls-to-action) invite visitors to a web page to take a specific action, depending on your ambitions: read more with additional content, offer to view products that may meet the expectations of your target audience, generate a quote request, etc.
Targeted CTAs convert 42% more visitors
than non-targeted CTAs.
The idea is to keep them on the site by data security: our commitment to customer privacy! offering them relevant content, tools, or products that will keep their attention captive.
To be effective, a CTA must be clear, concise and impactful.
> To develop your performance, here are 10 examples of successful digital strategies
13. In mobile format, you will think
Never without my mobile!!
Nearly 50% of monthly Internet traffic in France comes from telephones, or 33.7 million Internet users
(Source: Médiamétrie, 2018).
It is therefore essential to take into account the specificities of the mobile format when writing for the Web:
- More than ever, the main message you want to convey must arrive above the fold.
- Ideally, the size of a paragraph should not exceed that of an average screen.
- Think about a page structure that will betting email list simplify navigation for the Internet user: for example, with a dynamic summary system at the top of the article.