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Into consideration when choosing a Postgraduate Degree in Quality Management

Choosing a specialization is a task that demands a lot of attention, but above all, focus and clear objectives. 

For those who work and have little flexibility with their time, specializations in the latu sensu field are the best option. After all, postgraduate list of mobile number database courses/MBAs usually have a shorter workload, curricula with practical application to the job market and, if it is distance learning , there is the flexibility to better combine the course with your personal schedule.

With a Postgraduate Degree in Quality Management in distance learning mode, you are also centralized order management with live commerce freer from location limitations. 

When choosing a postgraduate course , make sure you have the availability and discipline to make this investment. After all, you will be using part of your budget for this training.

Furthermore, this training text services should not be just for the sake of getting another certification. You need to commit to making the most of this experience, which can translate into real gains for both your professional profile and your day-to-day work.

Postgraduate degree in Quality Management from IPOG

IPOG – Institute of Postgraduate and Undergraduate Studies – considered the need for professionals from different areas of engineering , business administration and related areas to design a course especially for the area of ​​Quality Management, processes and continuous improvement. 

The MBA in Quality Management and Production Engineering is a highly comprehensive postgraduate course in the area of ​​quality, with an integrated approach that allows for the effective improvement of production and management processes in different segments and sizes with a focus on results.

At the end of the course, the student will be able to implement high-level productive performances in companies in any segment, which makes him a more attractive professional in the current job market scenario.



IPOG’s MBA in Quality Management & Production Engineering has been on the national market for a decade, with classes in more than 10 capitals and 50 locations throughout Brazil.

There are many options to reach the maximum number of people interested in growing professionally through specialization.

Furthermore, thanks to its faculty made up of masters and doctors with industrial experience, students have access to a source of information from people who really know the area. 

Check out below the range of subjects that this Postgraduate Course in Quality Management offers:

  • Supply Chain Management : optimizing the logistics and distribution chain
  • Product Engineering: QFD and DOE
  • Project Management (PMI)
  • Toyota Production System (TPS) and Lean Manufacturing
  • Production Planning and Control (PPC)
  • Quality Management Systems: ISO 9001 Standard
  • Integral Development of Human Potential
  • Total Quality Management (TQM)
  • Occupational Health and Safety : OSHAS 18001/ISO 45001
  • Organizational Leadership and Coaching Tools
  • Environmental Management System : ISO 14001 Standard
  • Process Mapping and Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
  • Lean Six Sigma I
  • Lean Six Sigma II: Yellow Belt Training
  • Information Technology (IT) Management applied to production
  • Organizational Diagnosis and Consulting
  • Statistical Process Control (SPC) applied to failure reduction
  • Strategic Cost Management



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