Spanish-speaking BookTubers also have their own community that is passionate about reading, a
place where they make their subscribers feel safe and create pleasant connections.
Below, we are going to list the 5 BookTubers that you should know if you are interested in this world:
1. Raiza Revelles: 1.75 million subscribers
Mexican Raiza Revelles or “ raizarevelles99 ” as she special database is known on YouTube, is
currently the BookTuber with the largest number of Spanish-speaking subscribers.
After reading “ The Little Prince ” for the first time, she became a fan of this community, especially
fantasy and science fiction stories.
However, she is currently moving away from this type of readings, and is focusing on producing
videos and paranormal content.
She is the author of the book “The Pigskin Boy and Other Stories You Should Never Read”; she seeks
to take away your sleep with suspense and horror. Do you dare to read it?
2. Claudia Ramirez: 615,000 subscribers
Claudia Ramírez, also Mexican, and her what is trade marketing channel “ Clau Reads Books ”, turned
books into a lifestyle.
BookTuber and writer, she has won the hearts of hundreds of thousands of followers who love her
work, her family, and the books she incorporates into her content.
She was inspired to open her BookTube channel by Raiza Revelles after a book fair where she had the
pleasure of meeting her.
She is the author of “El príncipe del sol”, the first in a literary saga and, as if that were not enough, in
2016 she was awarded by the magazine “QUIÉN” as one of the 50 people who are transforming
Mexico, along with her colleague whom we will see below: Fátima Orozco.
3. Sebastian Garcia Mouret: 266,000 subscriptions
Sebastián, a Spaniard who has a successful review b channel called “ El colectivo de Mundos ”, talks in
his introductory video about how he was passionate about reading since he was a child, but he
couldn’t find anyone to share this passion with.
He searched his close circles, friends, family, schoolmates, but he didn’t find anyone who liked the
same things as him.
It is for this reason that in 2012 she decided to create her own BookTube channel, where she united
the 2 worlds that she loved the most:
- Audiovisual world.
- Literary world.
You know where he got the name from. Pretty creative!
This great BookTuber makes book reviews , interviews, reflections and any kind of videos related to literature and, as he says literally: “always looking to break a lance in favor of children’s literature.
5. Cecilia Bona: 25,900 subscribers
On one occasion, he went to the Buenos Aires subway, where he gathered more than 100 people reading at the same time.
In addition to reviews and points of view on his readings, he also makes videos about curiosities such as, for example: “ Why do we like the smell of books? ”
As you can see, BookTubers promote something essential in every modern society: reading , and they go completely against the erroneous belief that says: “young people do not read.”
Indeed, young people do read, and at the same time, they are very famous for doing so and inspiring others!
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