Phishing campaigns There are a number of potential types of hacking.
That could be direct against aircraft and the aviation industry as a whole. Code into aircraft ground control systems, and unsecur radio links could be compromis using.
Software Defin Radio (SDR) systems, which are now commercially available.
Take, for example, the so-call Phishing campaigns
Man-in-the-Middle (MiTM) attacks – situations where a hacker manages to break into.
A communications channel and job function email database intercept messages within it. With the help of such an attack, it is possible to steal data or information intend for tIn the US they want to make cars “communicate”
IncreaseUS regulators to require automakers to equip vehicles with near-field data communications
US regulators to require automakers to equip vehicles with near-field data communications
In 2014, the US Department of Transportation put forward an initiative that envisages the installation of short-range short-wave transmitters on motor vehicles, including trucks. According to Reuters, this technology will allow cars to “communicate” with each other.
The regulator believes that tens of thousands
accidents on the roads can be prevent with the help of “smart” sensors. The regulator has given automakers four years to implement the new technology, hoping that “standard technology will teach all vehicles to speak the same language.” General Motors, Toyota, Volkswagen and other major automakers have already begun testing the new safety system.
The interaction radius between cars and trucks
Will be limit to 300 m, and beyond narcissism, the object of gaze special communication channels will be us to transmit data. They will adb directory transmit information about the location of the car, its direction of travel and spe. The data will be updat at intervals of 10 seconds, so that nearby cars will receive the relevant information they ne for orientation. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, such as skidding, nearby vehicles will receive emergency notifications, which will ruce the risk of collisions.