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Place appropriate calls to action within your ebook.


Now that your content is written and designed! it’s time to optimize it for lead generation! reconversion! and promotion.

Think about how you got here — you it cell number clicked on a call-to-action (CTA) in an email! on a social media post! or somewhere else.

A CTA is a link or visual object that entices the visitor to click and arrive at a landing page that will get them further engaged with your company.

Since your ebook readers have probably converted into leads to get their hands on your ebook! use the CTAs within your ebook to reconvert your readers and propel them further down your marketing funnel.

For instance! a CTA can lead to another offer! your annual conference’s registration page! or even a product page.

Depending on what this next action is! CTAs can be an in-line rectangle or a full page teasing the next offer (see both images below).

To hyperlink the CTA in your ebook (or any image or text in your ebook) to your destination URL! simply go to Insert >> Hyperlink in PowerPoint.


Note: We’ve even designed 50 customizable calls-to-action in PowerPoint that you can download and use in your ebooks. You can grab them here.

Now! we don‘t have a dedicated CTA template slide in the PowerPoint ebook templates … but it’s still simple.

You just have to duplicate the Header/Subheader slide and customize the copy or add images as needed. You can also go to Insert >> New Slide and work from there.

Pro tip: I‘ve found it‘s ideal to put CTA links between your ebook‘s chapters — or! better yet! at the end of each one or right after the conclusion. But make sure that you’re subtle with your CTAs! as you wouldn’t want to put off your readers.

10. Convert it into a PDF.

Once you‘ve finished writing your ebook — CTAs and all — it’s time to convert it to the right file type! so it’s transferable from you to your recipient.

To convert your ebook to a PDF! click File >> Save As in the ebook template you have open. Then! under File Format! select PDF and select a destination on your computer for this new file.

Or! if you’re using our free Google Drive cell phone number list templates! you can go to File >> Download >> PDF:


Why can’t you just attach what you have to a landing page and be done with it? Word documents! PowerPoints! and similar templates are perfect for creating your ebook but not for delivering it.

Because these templates are editable! the contents of your ebook are too easily corrupted! distorted! or even lost when moving from your computer to the hands of your future leads. That’s where PDFs come in.

You’ve seen these letters at the end of files before. Short for Portable Document Format! the .PDF file type essentially freezes your ebook so it can be displayed clearly on any device. A popular alternative to PDFs is the .EPUB file type.

See a comparison of EPUB to PDF here.

Pro tip: One reason I believe shifting to PDFs is important is because you can also share them as links. This makes it much easier to spread your ebook around! and your readers won‘t need to download it if they don’t want to.

11. Create a dedicated landing page for your ebook.

Your ebook should be available for download through a landing page on your site.

A landing page is a web page that promotes/describes your offer and provides a form that visitors need to fill out with their contact even professionals make mistakes information to access your ebook.

This is how you can convert your visitors into business leads that your sales team can ultimately follow up with.

For instance! you went through this landing page to access this ebook template.

If you’re still not sure how to get started! download this free ebook to learn more about optimizing your landing pages for conversion.