As a communication tool between teams! productivity and remote work are two of the most immediate and close topics for Slack.
But its content goes much further and extends to other thematic areas such as business development! innovation or digitalisation – thus becoming a benchmark for B2B content in general.
And when all companies were forced to digitalize
Their communication! problems arose for those who were not used to working from home! such as fatigue and lack of productivity.
Slack! a tool that remote workers were already using before the rest of the world joined them during COVID-19! knew this kind of problem well.
To help their users cope better! they started publishing more content with this focus.
Approaching your users in this way
Stepping back from the product and the company! demonstrates empathy for your users and understanding of their daily problems.
But Slack still has one last ace up its sleeve in its B2B content arsenal: anticipation.
While they were posting content about what was happening a global mobile phone number data at the time—the global lockdown—their team was already preparing for what was to come: the return to the famous new normal .
Her article Opening up: Leadership trends for the post-lockdown workplace is a good example. This content is designed to smooth the transition for executive leaders! helping them prioritize management tasks.
By reaching out to its users with content that strays from the product examples of great b2b brands and the company! Slack shows that it knows its audience’s everyday problems inside and out.Click To Tweet
Sprinkle some love on your B2B content
Good content is an extremely powerful tool for generating qualified traffic and leads.
But it has to be done right; with knowledge! data! experimentation and a couple of ingredients that are often forgotten in B2B content marketing: a pinch of sensitivity and a touch of care in the execution.
A little grace! humor! empathy and attention to detail. Because there is a huge difference between publishing effective B2B content and having a blog.
Your B2B content isn’t like a cactus that survives with little care. Rather! it’s like a delicate plant that needs a suitable location! a good pot! or a certain amount review b of water! light! and humidity depending on the season.
We hope that these top examples we have seen have helped you understand how important the execution part is in B2B content marketing and! above all! inspiration.